Foster Update

Foster puppy was adorable, but I decided I couldn’t keep up. I’m dealing with a pinched nerve, and not sleeping well. Maybe it’s me and I’m just not cut out to foster. It’s hard to say since I haven’t been feeling well.

I took her to an adoption event last Thursday night. She was great! She greeted all the strange people and other dogs with enthusiasm. She ate all the treats everyone offered her and even posed for pictures.

Keeping her through her adoption was really my goal, but I found my patience was thin. I enjoyed all the daily walks for the most part, but the early morning and late night walks got old when I wasn’t feeling well. I reached out to our foster network and thankfully another family was willing to take her on. I delivered her to them last Saturday, and I feel like it was the right decision for me. I hope she gets adopted soon!

I am definitely not giving up on volunteering. I have another shift scheduled to help out at the rescue next week, but I think fostering is a bit too much of a full time job for me right now. My plan will be to try fostering again when I’m feeling better, but maybe a short term foster to see how it goes.

Our son was home with his two cats last weekend. I love how bonded these two cats are! We joke that the new kitten was a birthday present for his cat Martin, but it really seems like Martin appreciates the gift! It has worked out beautifully! The cats entertain each other and my son doesn’t get woken up in the middle of the night.

They sleep snuggled like this all the time. Martin grooms her and takes great care of her! I’m so glad it has worked out well for my son, and also very thankful that our two cats are fine with the new addition and all four cats get along great when they come to visit.

Happy Summer everyone! Stay cool and enjoy your pets!

Foster Puppy #2 – Venus!

I brought home a foster puppy on Sunday. So far so good! Yes, I almost sent her back yesterday when I woke up really sore and cranky, didn’t want to get out of bed, and then was greeted with a crate of puppy and poop, but I stuck it out.

Her name is Venus. I’m fostering through Mary’s Dogs in Northwood, NH. She’s about 4 months old, and a typical Southern Mutt Mix. She mostly keeps her crate clean, and she asks to go out. Knocking on some wood, but so far no accidents other than her crate, and only first thing in the morning. She sleeps through the night without making a peep. She’s really a model puppy.

She does well on a leash, she loves everyone she has met human and canine, and she especially seems to love kids. She’s learning “sit,” “off” and “no,” and she mostly comes when she is called. She will probably grow up to be a medium size dog. I don’t think she she will be huge. She’s interested in our cats, but not aggressive so I think with some training she could live with cats just fine.

The ears are too cute!


She loves being outside.

She’s learning to be a pretty good work at home buddy. She does get a little antsy after an hour or so of self play, but she is a baby.

Puck and Cali aren’t impressed. Hector likes to laugh at her. I forgot how much work puppies are, but I’m enjoying the required multiple walks per day!

We took her to an outdoor food truck park last night and she was amazing! She sat quietly while we chatted with friends. She was great greeting humans and canines and especially loved all the kids that wanted to pat her. I hope someone scoops her up soon. 

She is a little timid about new things. She shook the first time we turned on TV, and she didn’t like walking on our wood floors. Stairs were scary, but she is figuring them out. 

Anyone else ever foster? It’s a lot of work, but so rewarding!