Our Spicy Little Cali Girl

It’s so hard to type this, but we had to say good bye to our Cali this morning. I hate how quiet the house is.

Last week was rough. It was basically a full time job taking care of her, but we made it work, and enjoyed every second we had with her.

She went to the vet every day last week for IV fluids. We tried meds to stimulate her appetite, and even an injection of anti-nausea med on Friday, but nothing was helping.

I tried all her favorite foods, chicken, deli turkey, ice cream, whipped cream, popcorn, gatorade, broth, she didn’t want anything. She ate a spoonful of whipped cream on Saturday and that was about it.

She really enjoyed the fireplace this weekend. On Saturday, she grabbed the closest spot to the fire, so we let her have that spot, and put our chairs next to hers. Yesterday, she slept most of the day, and then got up and walked into the living room and snuggled up by the fireplace, waiting for us to light a fire for her, which of course we did!

Thankfully, she seemed comfortable over the weekend, she was lethargic and slept a lot, but she was able to go outside to pee and enjoyed sniffing the air and walking in the snow.

Last night, I slept in my daughter’s bed with her. When my daughter was home, Cali always slept with her and she was very comfortable there.

We headed to the vet this morning. We talked about rechecking her kidney values, and maybe giving her more fluids, but for what? She wasn’t eating, or even drinking on her own. Her kidneys weren’t coming back. We FaceTimed our daughter who couldn’t be with us, but Cali got to see her and hear her voice, and she got to say goodbye. Goodbye is so freaking hard. With the vet’s help, she passed peacefully snuggled up in my lap.

When we got home, the cats were howling at us, and even Hector the parrot seemed upset. I had to snuggle the cats, and explain to Hector what was going on. She was listening to me so intently, tilting her head to take in every word. I think she understands. I think the cats also know and understand.

As my daughter said, our lab Cheese will no doubt great Cali with open paws, even if she feels the need to chew on his ears like she always used to. Love you Cali girl! Please give all your pets an extra snuggle from me today.

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Welcome to PetMomma - I am a lifetime animal lover, wife, and mom. I've had all kinds of pets including horses, snakes, lizards, chinchillas, birds, cats, dogs, etc. The current zoo includes a bossy Morkie, a bearded dragon, four cats, and one African Grey who rules them all! I love to write and realized I wasn't doing enough of it, so this blog was born to combine two of my passions. Contact me at: [email protected] Enjoy!

4 thoughts on “Our Spicy Little Cali Girl”

  1. I’m so sorry to hear this, Lisa and sad for you and your family. I remember when you got her. She was so cute! We’re at the end with Wiggles too and it is just so hard. I hope each day gets a little easier.

  2. That is so hard. Cali looks like a very sweet girl. I’m sure she knew she was loved. I’m so sorry for your loss.

    1. Thanks Francesca. She was a very sweet girl and also a little brat sometimes, but I loved her. Give Winston a hug for me.

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